libdill: Structured Concurrency for C


brecv - receives data from a bytestream socket


#include <libdill.h>

int brecv(
    int s,
    void* buf,
    size_t len,
    int64_t deadline);


This function receives data from a bytestream socket. It is a blocking operation that unblocks only after the requested amount of data is received. There is no such thing as partial receive. If a problem, including timeout, occurs while receiving the data, an error is returned to the user and the socket cannot be used for receiving from that point on.

If buf is NULL, len bytes will be received but they will be dropped rather than returned to the user.

s: The socket.

buf: Buffer to receive the data to.

len: Size of the buffer, in bytes.

deadline: A point in time when the operation should time out, in milliseconds. Use the now function to get your current point in time. 0 means immediate timeout, i.e., perform the operation if possible or return without blocking if not. -1 means no deadline, i.e., the call will block forever if the operation cannot be performed.


In case of success the function returns 0. In case of error it returns -1 and sets errno to one of the values below.



char msg[100];
int rc = brecv(s, msg, sizeof(msg), -1);


brecvl(3) bsend(3) bsendl(3) now(3)